Basically a bunch of links to various good
causes and stuff than you can visit and spare some cash on, but for those
who are tight by choice or not, the hunger site is well worth a visit.
The Seti at home programme is technically not a good cause, but
finding ET would be pretty significant. All it is a screensaver than
analysises a data packet from one of the Search
for Extra Terrestrial
Intelligence telescopes, and
then once down sends it back, to the Seti server, and gets you another
one. If your computer finds the signal you get your name as
co-discoverer for one of the most important discoveries ever.. Of course
the chances of doing are unbelievably small, probably about the chance of
winning the National Lottery 10 times in 5 weeks. The reason the
scientists are doing this, is that the funding needed for the huge
supercomputers to go through all that data was well beyond what any
government would pay for, so someone clever thought this up. Please try.

Protection for Dolphins

World Wild Fund

Hunger Site
Every visit
to this site means that the sponsors donate the price of a bowl
of rice to the third world, please do it every day.