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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

3rd Edition Web Page, link to the rest of TSR from here.

This way to the imbecile's Character Generator.


Hello again, this is the AD&D page.

AD&D in case you didn't know is the most popular role-playing system there is, it has a huge library of background material, its success lead to its takeover by Wizard's of the Coast a few years ago.  Most people will be looking forward to the release of the Player's Handbook 3 and Dungeon Keeper's Book, sometime Autumn 2000, they promise a complete overhaul on the rules, making them simpler and better.  Of course all the previous material is pretty well defunct, but once again they say that any new material will be limited, and with a bit of wit, most of the older material functions well within the system. A link to the PHB 3 official web page is opposite.

Of course being Stiixx my favourite race within AD&D is the Saurials, a recent addition to the Realms, they are basically evolved Dinosaurs, with magical abilities, I had to take a disguise not to scare the local populace, so being a halfling seemed the furthest removed, and apt.

The second link is to Stephen Boyd's character generator, which is quite good, though he never polished it off, he does have a rather limited attention span, not his fault the poor guy.